Living and Learning in Retirement (LLIR) is an organization that offers stimulating general-interest courses. Membership is open to anyone who wants to keep active and intellectually engaged as they grow older. LLIR is run by a Board of volunteers from our membership.

We are the oldest third-age learning group in Canada and have been operating for more than fifty years.

LLIR class in session with two lecturers discussing issues


We are a lively group of over 1200 seniors who attend courses at the Glendon Campus of York University.

LLIR class in session with hands raised pre-pandemic


We are an inclusive organization dedicated to lifelong learning achieved by providing stimulating courses.

Closeup of LLIR members wearing masks


LLIR is a volunteer organization created to provide affordable, stimulating and engaging high-quality courses of interest to our member community of senior adults.

We celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2023 and created a video to celebrate.

This is the History of Courses that we have presented since our inception.