You can take only one course each term. We do not have the capacity to let members attend both morning and afternoon lectures in the same term.
LLIR assigns places in courses based on your years of seniority (membership in LLIR).
Members must select at least two course offerings (1st and 2nd choices) when registering for an upcoming term. To ensure we can give you a course of your choice, we strongly recommend also indicating 3rd and 4th choices for each term. Selecting 4 courses in order of priority avoids the possibility of not being assigned any course.
As a courtesy to fellow members, please do not register for a course for a term during which you plan to be away more than 4 weeks.
You cannot change your assigned courses after the registration period.
Assistance is provided during the membership renewal and course registration process for anyone wanting help with the registration process or payment.
If you don’t receive a course assignment by the end of May after registering, contact the Registrar at
Membership and course fees are not refundable.
Leaves of Absence
Members may apply for a leave of absence (LOA) if they do not wish to register for a course for a given academic year.
During a LOA year, you must pay the annual membership fee.
A LOA year does not count as a year of seniority.
Members are allowed a maximum of three LOA years during their tenure as a LLIR member.