After the initial section on History and Goals of building this version of the LLIR website, this page describes:
- Headers that appear on all webpages in this website
- Menus for navigating the website
- How we use the Kadence Account feature to support user Login
A separate page in these notes describes how specialized features of the website are implemented using a Kadence feature called conditional elements.
History and Goals
The prototype for this website was built in the spring of 2023 using the WordPress development environment. It started as a proof of concept for switching to the Kadence Pro theme to achieve the goals listed below. If you are not familiar with WordPress, read the overview of our platform. Over the summer of 2023 the prototype became the working basis on which to rejuvenate the website’s content and visual design. The goals are:
The implemented solution displays one header across the top the browser window when a user arrives at the website and a different header after the user logs in as a member. These headers contain the main navigation menus and buttons. The only route to member-only pages is through a conditional header that replaces the initial header only when the current user is a logged- in member.
Initial Priority
The original priority was to set up a login/logout mechanism that protects information that only members should see from unauthorized access.
The assumption is that members can see everything that the public can see and much more. Some pages in the public area are available only before members log in.
Long Term Intension
A long term goal is the separation of back-end business logic from the front end user interface. The back end includes the master database and programming that processes forms submitted by users. Front-end work involves design and maintenance of this website, the interface used by LLIR prospects and members.
An additional set of processes exists for the LLIR Registrar and other members of the LLIR Board to view and update information in the membership database primarily to support annual registration, course assignments and the waitlist. The user interface for those processes is maintained by our hired programmer. It consists of custom utilities that use FileMaker Pro and is fully outside the scope of these notes.
For more detail on the resulting implementation, refer to our Website structure and IT Architecture.
When a user first enters the site, they see the header called Public Header with a navigation menu across the bottom called Public Menu. When the user logs in, they see a conditional header called Member Header with a navigation menu across the bottom called Member Menu.
The key approach to supporting login is to create conditional headers (a Kadence feature). The condition for displaying the Member Header is that the user is logged in so each user sees it from the time they log in until they leave the website or explicitly log out. To avoid creating security loopholes, follow the principle described in Don’t Break Login Security.
Both headers have two variations, so all modifications to headers must designed, implemented and tested on both variations:
1. A header for large screens (desktop or laptop computers)
2. A header for small screens (smart phone and some mobile devices)
The Public Header contains a row of buttons (Contact Us and Login). The Member Header contains a row of buttons (Contact Us and Logout). The two Contact Us buttons link to different pages. Kadence limits the number of buttons in a headers. On small screens (smart phone and mobile devices) the limit is two (plus the Account feature, which is can look like a button).
See also How to Modify a Header and How to Implement a Conditional Header.
The table below shows the names of the two menus currently defined for the LLIR website and where those menus appear.
Kadence allows up to 9 menus and assigns them names shown in italics in Where Used column of the table.
Name of Menu | Where used |
Public Menu | Primary navigation on Public Header Mobile navigation on Public Header |
Member Menu | Secondary navigation on Member Header Mobile Secondary navigation on Member Header |
not used | Third navigation |
not used | Fourth navigation |
not used | Account Logged In |
not used | Account Logged Out |
not used | Footer navigation |
See also Menu Decisions already made and How to Modify a Menu.
The Kadence Account feature
The login mechanism uses the Account feature of Kadence Pro.
The Rejuvenation Committee of 2023 decided to display all forms related to a member profile data in the main menu under My Profile. Should that decision be revisited in the future, the forms and logout could make up the Account Logged In menu under the current user’ name.