This page is a collection of handy tips for creating and editing the content of pages.

If you are new to this development platform, read the Overview of our Platform.
For help getting started with the editor, read Learning the Page Editor.
If you are not familiar with the basics of WordPress, its dashboard, and the Guttenberg editor, you may benefit from watching an online tutorial.

Returning Quickly to the Dashboard

While you are editing pages, you typically switch frequently between edit mode — when the page is open for editing — and view mode — when you see the published page and links within it are active. At any time, you can click the browser Back key to step back through browser history until you return to the dashboard. If several pages are open, you may have to click Back many times. Here are two ways to give yourself a shortcut:

  • Create a browser bookmark for the dashboard. Whenever the bookmark is visible, you can return to the dashboard in one click.
  • Change the address in the browser location bar to read: If you want to keep the current editor open at the same time as the dashboard, enter the dashboard address into a different browser tab.

Do not Import Starter Templates

The Kadence comes with an extensive list of Starter Templates that are examples of webpages and websites built with Kadence. Feel free to browse the template library to get ideas and see what is possible to build. Find the template library from the Dashboard by clicking Appearance, Kadence and then Starter Templates.

Importing pages and then editing content is easy and is a tempting way to create appealing pages quickly. Do not do add imported pages to the LLIR website. The reason is that the starter samples come with their own customized styles, colours and other features. When you import a page from another website, that websites styles override LLIR settings imported page. You cannot see or remove the imported settings using the visual editor and editing the source is virtually impossible. As a result, imported contain pages can use styles and follow conventions that don’t match the the rest of the site. A much better approach is to learn how to build the sample page that you like from scratch.

More on Highlighting

For a discussion of the LLIR global styles and custom colour palette, plus notes on how to adding colour to text and blocks, see page About Colours and Styles.

Linking to Headings Instead of to Pages

Adding links that navigate within one page or that open other pages to specific blocks other than the page title is easy. For instructions, see How to Link to a Heading within a Page.