Constitution and By-Law

Here is the link to LLIR’s Constitution and By-Law  which are combined in a single document.


LLIR maintains a number of policy documents to ensure that the Board follows consistent and well-defined policies in matters that affect our members. This page describes some of those policies.

Code of Conduct

LLIR is committed to the principles of the Ontario Human Rights Code, which fosters a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person, so that each person feels a part of the community. Read the Code of Conduct.

Privacy of Member Data

LLIR is committed to safe-guarding the personal information entrusted to us by our members. Our Management of Member Personal Information document outlines the policies and practices we follow to protect the information you supply at registration including your name, mailing address, phone number, email address and emergency contact information.

Membership Policy

LLIR periodically reviews and updates our policies relating to membership. Read the Membership Policy here.

Course Registration Policies

Read LLIR’s Course Registration Policies which deal with course assignments, refunds and leaves of absence.

Health Protocol

The Health Protocol encourages all members to be safe and healthy. The protocol can change year-by-year as need dictates.

Strikes and Interruptions of Normal Operations at Glendon

In the event that there is an interruption of normal operations at Glendon due to strikes or other non-weather events, the LLIR Board determines the appropriate action to be taken regarding LLIR courses. When we are notified of such an event, we tell members how LLIR lectures, parking and/or campus faculties are affected. We post a bulletin on the homepage of this website and update the answering message on the LLIR telephone number (416-787-7333).

Snow Days

On days of heavy snow or extreme weather, the Board decides early on Friday morning whether to cancel lectures for the day. By 7:00 am we inform members by posting a bulletin on the homepage of this website and updating the answering message on the LLIR telephone number (416-787-7333).