Our rules and policies relating to membership are listed below:

  • Anyone whose employment status is retired may join. There is no age requirement.
  • It is essential to have a unique email address (not shared with another member).
  • Members are required to join, register for courses and pay online.
  • Membership is non-transferable, annual and includes courses during one academic year.
  • The annual membership fee and course fees are paid during the membership renewal and course registration process in the late winter or early spring.
  • Members are deemed to have resigned their membership if they do not participate in the annual membership renewal and course registration process.
  • Members must register for at least one course each academic year to maintain membership or take a Leave of Absence, as described in the Course Registration Policy page.
  • Members are expected to keep their membership information (address, email address, telephone, emergency contact information and accommodation requirements) current by going to the Members’ Login page on the website (llirto.ca).
  • Members may not bring guests into the classroom.
  • No audio or visual recording of lectures may be made or distributed without the express permission of both the Course Director (or lecturer) and LLIR Programme Director.