The waitlist is open to receive applications for only a short period during the year. When open, the application form appears when you read to the bottom of this page.
Before you apply to join our waitlist, please review the following considerations:
If you are applying for more than one member of the same household, apply for each person separately.
LLIR cannot process a waitlist application that uses the same email address as another applicant or an LLIR member. Be aware that you must have a unique email address.
By providing your email address, you are giving LLIR explicit permission to send you electronic communications. We send notifications and materials to the email address that you enter on the application form. If you cannot or do not want to receive electronic communications, please do not apply.
Please apply for the waitlist only once. There is no advantage in applying for the waitlist multiple times using different email addresses. Duplicate applications are deleted.
If your email address changes while you are on our waitlist, please inform us by sending an email to so we can update your application.