This page is intended to be an introduction for new members or those seeking clarification about registration for courses.

LLIR sends emails to members in February, inviting them to renew their membership by registering for the following academic year. Course descriptions are posted on the website one or two weeks beforehand. Registration is open once a year at the time the emails are sent.

Before starting to register you must decide which course(s) you wish to attend. Review what is available and make a list of your choices.

  • You may sign up for only one course each term and the membership fee is charged at that time.
  • You must take at least one course during the fall or winter to remain a member in good standing.
  • Because of the payment system, those intending to take courses in both fall and winter terms must select both at the same time.

Further details about this process and Leave of Absence are available under Course Registration Policy.

Also, please refer to the LLIR Membership Policy.

The personal data you have provided is shown on the registration form during registration. Please review it carefully and add or change this information through Update My Info  found under My Profile in the menu.

We strongly encourage you to make use of the Registration Users’ Guide during registration. Should you have difficulties with registration, we have a number of people who can help but the first question we will ask is if you have read the Guide.

At the end of the registration, after you have paid using a credit card, you will be informed that your registration is complete. At this point registration will be closed for you.

  • Please note: If you wish to register someone else, you must first log out and then log back in under the other person’s ID, which is their email address.

Note about course assignments:

LLIR’s goal is to ensure every member is offered a course. At the completion of registration, we assign courses starting with those who have been members the longest. Some courses are very popular and fill up before we process all requests for that course. If you are a new member, you may not be assigned your first or second choice during the first year or two of membership. To maximize your chance of getting a course in which you are interested, we ask you to select four courses per term and rank them in order of your preference.

A few weeks after registration has finished for both members and those coming from the waitlist, you will be informed via email about your course assignments. Check the Bulletin on the Home Page for the approximate timing of notification.

To start registration, click on Register for Courses under Registration in the menu (only available during the registration period).

For questions about or issues with registration, please email