In this guide we concentrate on the course registration itself. For a detailed description of the registration process, please see Registration Process. This guide is a supplement to the information on the forms.

To begin course selection, under Registration in the menu, click Register for Courses.

Section A – Personal Information

On the page that opens, in the first section with the heading Section A – Personal Information, you see the information that our system has for you. Please review and edit this section carefully to ensure that all information is correct and current.

When you are satisfied with your edits, click on the Update Personal Information button.

Section B – Registration

In this section enter your choices for Leave of Absence, Volunteering and Courses.

1. Leave of Absence (not available to waitlist applicants)

Every member must pay a membership fee every year. If you decide that you are unable to sign up for courses in the coming year but want to retain your membership, you may take a Leave of Absence (LOA) by clicking that box. Then proceed directly to Section 4, which shows your fee, then to payment.

2. Volunteering

LLIR is dependent on volunteers for all its administration and activities. Please consider volunteering. There are links in this section that open pages with more information about the type of volunteering available. Check the boxes to let us know where you would like to help. The choices you made last year do not carry over to this year so let us know again where you would like to help.

Please fill out the new box this year about your expertise or experience to help us match the most suitable candidates for volunteer positions that need to be filled.

3. Course Registration

In this section you pick your course(s) using the table shown below. Before proceeding ensure you have reviewed the courses offered for the 2025/2026 season under Courses for 2025-2026. Make a note for yourself of the course titles and whether they are in the morning or afternoon. You may take one course in the fall term, one the winter term or one in both terms. You must select a minimum of two courses (preferably three or four) in each term, in order of priority. After the registration period ends, we assign courses by seniority. If you joined recently, your seniority is low and we may need to assign a course that is your second, third or fourth choice.

If you wish a winter course, select it at this point. If you are not sure and wait to add a course after registration closes, the one you want may be filled.

Note: the courses in the example below indicate 2024-25 courses.

4. Membership and Course Fees

The fees for your selection are shown in this section. Please review to ensure that the fees correspond to your choices.

  • Fees for your membership and courses selected are shown below.
  • The Membership OR Leave of Absence Fee MUST be paid each year.
  • Fees listed below are based on the course selections you have made above.
  • Fees are not refundable.

5. Submit Selections and Make Payment

The last step is payment of fees. Click the Payment button at the end of the section. We accept credit or debit cards only. Payment is handled by Helcim, a payment processing company. We do not see or store any of your credit card information.

On completion of the transaction your registration is recorded in our database and a statement of successful registration shows on the payment page.

Within a few minutes you also receive an email confirming your registration.