Consider taking advantage of the Glendon Senior Common Room. It is located at the east end of the third floor of York Hall, Room 317 (take the elevator by the cafeteria). It is open to Glendon faculty and staff, as well as a limited number of LLIR members.

The Senior Common Room offers a lunch menu (hot entrées, salads, desserts and alcoholic beverages) from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during the week, including Fridays. There is a fee to use this service.

To enquire, call Lila Manseur at 416-487-6825, or send an email to  You must call in advance if you are planning to come with a large group.

  • Print and fill out this membership form
  • Pay the required fee either by cash or by cheque
  • Drop off the form with your payment in person