For many decades, LLIR members and LLIR as an organization have provided funds for financial support to Glendon College students. With the generous donations from members like you, the amount raised is well in excess of $500,000.
LLIR has a tradition of making significant donations in recognition of significant anniversaries. For example, in 2023 $50,000 was donated on our 50th anniversary. Over the years funds have been given to students as scholarships for academic excellence and bursaries for students in financial need and those from traditionally underrepresented groups.
On March 5, 2024 the LLIR Board of Directors passed the following resolutions:
Resolved that the funds raised from LLIR members prior to April 30, 2024 for the LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund for expendable purposes be used to fund 10-12 bursaries of $2,500 each (total of $25,000-$30,000) for students attending Glendon College at York University who have financial need, have not received other entrance awards and have a high likelihood of success at Glendon; and also resolved that the remaining funds raised during this period for the LLIR Glendon Student Opportunity Fund be provided to students at Glendon chosen by Glendon College who have demonstrated financial need.

Please help LLIR in meeting its Glendon Student Fund goal. All your donations are greatly appreciated.
A direct link has been established for online donations to the LLIR Glendon fund.
Image provided by York University’s Glendon College